New CEO for Axiell – accelerating industry leadership through improved access to world’s collective knowledge!

New CEO for Axiell – accelerating industry leadership through improved access to world’s collective knowledge!

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Vitalware develops a Person-centric model for Registry data

The Vitalware Vital Records Management System has been extended to provide a Person or Citizen-centric view of data held by a Registry. At the heart of the new approach to viewing Life Event data is the Person module. Every person with Life Events details held by the Registry has a Person record. Information held in the new module includes birth, death, and marriage information, applications for service, correspondence, and information pertaining to the role of that person. As a person interacts with the Registry and new associations with their Person record occur, the record is updated in real time.

The Person-centric model exploits Vitalware’s powerful record matching technology. Matching rules are applied across all Life Event data to identify events and other information relating to the same identity; once identified, a complete Person record is written and linked to corresponding events. The process runs in real-time and can be applied to existing data holdings.

From the Person module, an authorised user is able to access full details associated with an individual, including Person records for children, siblings, and parents. In this way it is possible to traverse an entire family tree. All correspondence with, applications initiated by, and certificates printed for a person are accessible from the Person record.

A feature of the Person module is the summary identification of core truths. Data, such as date of birth, which relates to a single event may be received from several sources and potentially over many years. As each may be reported differently, the system must be capable of storing each instance independently, yet provide a core truth that represents the datum of highest confidence in the absence of consensus. The core truth Place and Date of Event fields are found in the Person record.

The power of the Person module is perhaps best seen in the Vitalware ePerson web application which provides a user friendly display of all information known about an individual. Hyperlinks support navigation of a family tree in all directions, and quick access to all correspondence or related applications for service.

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